Wednesday, 26 December 2007

Making User Invovement Work 2006

Making user Involvement Work 2006
Joseph Rowntree Foundation research
126 service users
knowledge & networking key factors

Service User Involvement | Service user involvement

Service User Involvement Service user involvement
Empowerment, Employabilty and Service User Involvement - literature review 2007

Monday, 17 December 2007

Wednesday, 12 December 2007

Tuesday, 11 December 2007

Bristol Royal Infirmary Inquiry - HOME

Bristol Royal Infirmary Inquiry - HOME
Investigation into children's cardiac services where there was a high number of deaths following surgery, made a number of recommendations to involve patients better and to improve communication and teamwork.


Service User Involvement
Service User Involvement (in research) Group England - link to information, best practice guidelines etc

Monday, 10 December 2007

Social Capital in Virtual Learning Communities and Distributed Communities of Practice

Social Capital in Virtual Learning Communities and Distributed Communities of Practice A new concept ( to me) that explores the outcome of social capital on communities which consists of trust, shared learning and knowledge development

Thursday, 29 November 2007

Raising the Standard NSF MH Wales

"users and their carers need to be integrally involved in the planning development and delivery of mental health services. This will require sustained support care and information form mental health services. Empowerment should be at all levels from self management to formal involvement in local and all wales planning. Those detained under the mental health legislation should be encouraged to participate actively and willingly in their own care".

Empowerment 1 0f 4 key principles of the strategy.

Mental Health Promotion in Wales

Some information on "Health Literacy" and links to various other policies

Sunday, 25 November 2007

No Voice No Choice

click on title for link to full report

Is the NHS becoming more Patient centered?

Tuesday, 13 November 2007

Monday, 12 November 2007

Faculty of Health - Comensus Project - About Comensus

Faculty of Health - Comensus Project - About Comensus


Center of Excellence in Interdisciplinary Mental Health - CEIMH

University of Birmingham England UK

Video Resources Link CEIMHtv

NMC PPI Handbook

NMC Internet link to the Good Practice Handbook for UK Healthcare Regulators (2007)

A strategy for PPI!

From the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain

Sunday, 11 November 2007

Public & Patient Involvement

Public & Patient Involvement WelshAssembly Government website on PPI

Saturday, 27 October 2007

State of Healthcare 2006

Healthcare commission audit found the 2nd largest complaint to be about lack of service user involvement (20% - 22% being about safety)

p65:But giving patients greater choice is not the same as giving them a greater say in their care. Historically, patients have been relegated to the sidelines - where they become onlookers in decisions made about their own care - while doctors, nurses and managers by virtue of their greater medical knowledge have made decisions for them.
If this is to change and if the needs and wishes of patients are to be put first then we need a cultural shift in how professionals communicate and relate to patients. Nationally, this is now being recognised in the training being given to doctors, nurses and other staff which includes training in a range of communication and listening skills.

Healthcare Commission (2006) State of Health Care 2006. London. Commission for Healthcare Audit and Inspection.

Peter Beresford :

Peter Beresford :
Community Care Blogspot for Peter Beresford a professor and service user with some interesting things to say - must add this guy to my weblinks

Redressing the Balance 2006

Service user involvement in mental health nursing in Wales - research report
Mind Cymru 2006

I was actually a participant in this research which in summary looked at power, preparation attitudes and perceptions , a good practice checklist is included which may be helpful

Thursday, 25 October 2007

National Service Frameworks for Mental Health (Department of Health 1999)

On workforce Planning, Education and Training

"All education should be evidence based and should stress the value of team, interdisciplinary and inter agency working. Service users and carers should be involved in planning, providing and evaluating education and training" (p109)

On Research and Development

"developing research tools with service users to assess their views on how services can best meet their needs." (p116)

Review: Involving service users in health and social care research

Book Review: Involving service users in health and social care research

Oregon State Hospital Patient Memorial

Oregon State Hospital Patient Memorial
A sad sad place

Birmingham & Solihull Mental Health Userwatch

Birmingham & Solihull Mental Health Userwatch

created by a good person who tries to help others

Core documents and Websites relating to Service User and Carer Involvement — CETL Collaboration Site

Core documents and Websites relating to Service User and Carer Involvement — CETL Collaboration Site
Lit review on service user invovlement in education 2004

Picker Institute - Europe | Welcome to the Picker website

Picker Institute - Europe Welcome to the Picker website
leading market researchers on Public Patient Involvement (PPI)

The Centre of Excellence in Interdisciplinary Mental Health

The Centre of Excellence in Interdisciplinary Mental Health